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 Mastering the Universe - A Truenamer Overhaul

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Date d'inscription : 17/03/2010

Mastering the Universe - A Truenamer Overhaul Empty
MessageSujet: Mastering the Universe - A Truenamer Overhaul   Mastering the Universe - A Truenamer Overhaul Icon_minitimeMer 30 Juin 2010 - 13:49

N.B. IMPORTANT : Vous devez avoir activé le visionnement des codes html dans votre profil pour voir correctement toute les informations dans ce topic!

Mastering the Universe - A Truenamer Overhaul Icon2o12 THE TRUENAMER
Mastering the Universe - A Truenamer Overhaul Icon2o12 TRUESPEAK SKILL
Mastering the Universe - A Truenamer Overhaul Icon2o12 DISCOVERING A PERSONAL TRUENAME
Mastering the Universe - A Truenamer Overhaul Icon2o12 FEATS
Mastering the Universe - A Truenamer Overhaul Icon2o12 UTTERANCES
Mastering the Universe - A Truenamer Overhaul Icon2o12 UTTERANCES FROM THE LEXICON OF THE EVOLVED MIND
Mastering the Universe - A Truenamer Overhaul Icon2o12 UTTERANCES FROM THE LEXICON OF THE CRAFTED TOOL
Mastering the Universe - A Truenamer Overhaul Icon2o12 UTTERANCES FROM THE LEXICON OF THE PERFECTED MAP
Mastering the Universe - A Truenamer Overhaul Icon2o12 TRUENAME MAGIC ITEMS
Mastering the Universe - A Truenamer Overhaul Icon2o12 PRESTIGE CLASS

Dernière édition par Juju le Lun 16 Aoû 2010 - 8:31, édité 10 fois
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Date d'inscription : 17/03/2010

Mastering the Universe - A Truenamer Overhaul Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Mastering the Universe - A Truenamer Overhaul   Mastering the Universe - A Truenamer Overhaul Icon_minitimeMer 30 Juin 2010 - 13:49


Voici une pensée généralisée : le truenamer est mauvais. Il a une merveilleuse flavor, et magnifique est l’idée d’un langage primaire de l’univers ayant un contrôle absolu sur la réalité. Mais ce concept récurant dans l’histoire du fantastique a été terriblement traduit dans la 3.5 par le Tome of Magic.

Je n’expliquerai pas en détail ce qui rend mauvais le truenamer, mais pour ceux ne le connaissant pas; c’est une classe utilisant une forme de magie basé sur une compétence du nom de truespeak. Le succès ou l’échec de ses sorts (nommé "utterance") dépend d’un jet de compétence. Le problème principale étant que le degrer de difficulté pour affecter une créature avec une utterance est de 15 + (2x Challenge Rating). Voyez comment cela augmente de 2 par niveau? Et rappelez-vous qu’il n’est possible que de mettre 1 rang dans une compétence à chaque niveau? Voilà. Alors il devient actuellement plus difficile d’utiliser ces habiletés alors qu'il monte en niveau. Ajoutez à cela quelques décisions de design stupide, le fait que la majorité des utterances sont soit banal ou peuvent être répliqué par d’autres classes bien avant que vous pouvez les utiliser, et vous avez une classe qui est universellement regarder comme une cinquième roue brisé.

Vous trouverez dans ce topic un remaniement de plusieurs aspect de la classe permettant, nous l’espérons, de la rendre enfin jouable et intéressante à jouer. La mécanique d’origine du livre à été conversé, mais plusieurs petits, mais nécessaires, détails, ont été modifiés.

Si personne considère que ces changements ne sont pas appropriés, un personnage truenamer sera joué en beta-test par mon moi-même, juju, pour tester le tout et faire des corrections s'il y a lieu.

Lorsque vous analyserez les changements, prenez note qu'avec l'expertise de Mike en magie, nous avons beaucoup comparé la puissance des utterances face à des sorts de niveaux équivalents, tout en gardant en tête que le truenamer n'est pas un mage, ni un ensorceleur, ni un prêtre, ni aucune autre classe comparable. Pour comprendre la plupart des changements dans les utterances, il faut tenir tout cela en compte.

Document de Référence #1.1
ECL auquel un Truenamer pur du livre Tome of Magic obtient ses utterances. Entre parenthèses sont inscrit d’autres habiletés qui sont obtenues à ce même niveau par d’autres classes. Cela permet, à un certain niveau, d’avoir une référence pour balancer les utterances.

  • Les modifications apporté aux règlements de base du livre Tome of Magic sont inscrit en bleu.
  • Les textes en rouge sont des donnés qui ne seront pas mis dans la version finale et qui doivent être changé, effacé ou remplacé car jugé trop faible ou trop fort.

Finalement, je tiens à remercier Mike pour son aide follement apprécié, à m'endurer lui lire tout les textes du livre, et un après l'autre TOUTE les utterances afin qu'il m'aide à les balancer. Grâce à lui je vais peut-être pouvoir réaliser mon fantasme de jouer un truenamer utile à un groupe d'aventurier! Je remercie aussi quelqu'un que je ne connais pas, Kyeudo, qui avait déjà fait le plus gros du travail.

Dernière édition par Juju le Dim 15 Aoû 2010 - 22:59, édité 23 fois
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Date d'inscription : 17/03/2010

Mastering the Universe - A Truenamer Overhaul Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Mastering the Universe - A Truenamer Overhaul   Mastering the Universe - A Truenamer Overhaul Icon_minitimeMer 30 Juin 2010 - 13:49

Basé sur le Truenamer Fix de Kyeudo, modifié par Juju et Mike.

Mastering the Universe - A Truenamer Overhaul Cosmos10

"I'll show you the way words work... Hajilthulaa'nmrohthenemeakhtria'majian!"

A truenamer studies the words that comprise the fabric of existance. Long hours of practice and memorization have allowed him to master the language by which the universe defines itself and through it can bend reality to their will.

Alignment: Any
Starting Gold: 4d4 x 10 (100 gp)
Starting Age: As Wizard
Hit Dice: d6

Class Skills
The Truenamer's Class Skills are, Concentration, Craft, Decipher script, Knowledge (All skills taken individually), Listen, Perform (oratory), Profession, Truespeak, Use Magic Device, and Speak Language.
Skill Points at 1st Level: (4 Int. modifier) x4
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4 Int. modifier

-----------------------Utterances Known-----------------------
Known personal truename
Knowledge Focus
Skill Focus (Truespeak)
Bonus Truename Feat
Knowledge Focus
Bonus Truename Feat
Knowledge Focus
Speak Unto the Masses
Bonus Truename Feat
Knowledge Focus
Say my name and I am there
Original table from the Tome of Magic in spoiler.

Class Features
All of the following are class features of the Truenamer

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: You are proficient with simple weapons and with light armor, but not with shields.

Known Personal Truename: You know your own personal truename. You cannot pronounce it automatically; doing so requires a Truespeak check as normal (including the 2 difficulty for speaking a personal truename). Because it's your personal truename, however, you get a 4 bonus on the check.

Utterances (Sp): You have the ability to speak utterances, powerful combinations of truenames that can alter the world in fundamental ways. Utterances exist in three lexicons: The Lexicon of the Evolving Mind, the Lexicon of the Crafted Tool, and the Lexicon of the Perfected Map. You begin play knowing one utterance from the 1st level of the Lexicon of the Evolving Mind, and you gain one utterance from this lexicon at each truenamer level you attain. You gain access to higher levels of utterances at the levels indicated on the table. When you gain access to higher level utterances, you can choose an utterance from that level or from a lower level, if you wish. Each utterance represents hundreds of truenames in your repertoire.

The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against your utterances is equal to 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Cha Int modifier.

Beginning at 4th 3rd level, you also gain access to 1st level utterances of the Lexicon of the Crafted Tool, allowing you to alter objects with your truenames. You gain access to higher level utterances from this lexicon at 7th, 11th, 15th, and 19th 6th, 10th, 14th, and 18th levels, as indicated on the table.

Beginning at 8th 7th level, you also gain access to 1st level utterances of the Lexicon of the Perfected Map, allowing you to alter places with your truenames. You gain access to higher level utterances from this lexicon at 12th, 16th, and 20th 11th, 15th, and 19th levels, as indicated on the table.

Upon reaching 3rd level, and at every 4 level thereafter, a truenamer can choose to learn a new utterance in place of one he already knows. In effect, the truenamer "loses" the old utterance in exchange for the new one. The new utterance’s level must be the same as that of the utterance being exchanged, it must come from the same lexicon as the exchanged utterance, and it must be at least one level lower than the highest-level utterance the truenamer can speak from that lexicon. A truenamer may swap only a single utterance at any given level, and must choose whether or not to swap the utterance at the same time that he gains new utterances known for the level.

Knowledge Focus (Ex): As a truenamer, you spend a great deal of time studying the world around you in an effort to learn new truenames. At 2nd level and every five levels thereafter, you gain a permanent +3 bonus on a Knowledge skill of your choice. Each time you gain this ability, you can apply it to a different Knowledge skill or to the same Knowledge skill, if you want to focus on a particular area of expertise you must choose a different Knowledge skill.

Skill Focus (Truespeak): At 3rd level, you gain Skill Focus (Truespeak) as a bonus feat. If you already have Skill Focus (Truespeak), you can instead take any truespeach-related feat you meet the prerequisites for instead.

Bonus Truename Feats: At 5th, 8th, 10th, and 15th level, you gain a bonus feat. This feat must be a truespeach-related feat and you must meet the prerequisites to take that feat.

Speak Unto the Masses (Su): At 17th 13th level, you have the ability to affect a number of creatures with a single powerful utterrance. You can only affect creatures of the same type (humanoids, giants, or dragons, for example) with a single use of this ability, although you could use it against a different group of a different creature type each round. No two of the creatures you wish to affect can be more than 30 ft apart, and the base DC for your Truespeak check is equal to the most powerful (highest CR) creature in the group. For each creature you wish to affect beyond the first, the DC of your Truespeak check increases by 2. The Law of Resistance still applies to utterances altered with Speak unto the Masses, but only counts as one use of that utterance, not once per creature affected. You cannot speak a personal truename while using Speak Unto the Masses.

Say My Name and I Am There (Su): At 20th level, you develop a truename -- not your personal truename, but a sort of true nickname -- that is invested with cosmic power such that others who speak it can conjure you forth. Whenever someone successfully says this truename, you can apear at that creature's location as if taken there by a word of recall spell. You know who is saying your truename, and you can choose not to be transported if you wish. The nickname is often one or two syllables taken from your personal truename. A creature speaking your true nickname need not make a Truespeak check to do so.

Most truenamers with this ability teach the truename to their friends and allies so they can be called when needed.

Maximum Utterance Level Known
Original table from the Tome of Magic in spoiler.

Dernière édition par Juju le Dim 15 Aoû 2010 - 22:04, édité 15 fois
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Date d'inscription : 17/03/2010

Mastering the Universe - A Truenamer Overhaul Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Mastering the Universe - A Truenamer Overhaul   Mastering the Universe - A Truenamer Overhaul Icon_minitimeMer 30 Juin 2010 - 14:04

Use this skill to master the torturous pronunciation of truenames, each of which involves a dozen syllables, precise timing, and vocalizations foreign to even the most multilingual character. If you're a truenamer, you use this skill every time you deliver an utterance.

Check: You can pronounce truenames, identify an utterance, and perform truename magic. The DC and the effect of a successful check depend on the task you attempt.
Speak an Utterance from the Lexicon of the Evolving Mind*DC 15 + (Utterance Level x 2) + Creature's CR
Speak an Utterance from the Lexicon of the Crafted Tool*DC 15 + (Utterance Level x 2) + Object's Caster Level
Speak an Utterance from the Lexicon of the Perfected Map*DC 25 + (Utterance Level x 5) [+5 if the location is magical]
Identify an utterance as it is spokenDC 15 + Utterance Level
Identify a Truespeak effect that is already in placeDC 20 + Utterance Level
Identify a bottled echoDC 20 + Utterance Level
*Subject to the Law of Resistance.
Note: For the purpose of determining a PC's Challenge Rating, assume that it is equal to his Effective Character Level.

Original DC from the Tome of Magic in spoiler.

Speaking a creature’s personal truename increases the DC of the Truespeak check by 2.

Because saying a truename is such an idiosyncratic, exacting task, you can’t take 10 or take 20 on Truespeak checks.

A spell is an object and so can be affected by some Utterances from the Lexicon of the Crafted Tool. A spell uses the caster level it was cast at to set the DC of a Truespeak check that targets the spell. If you have not successfully identified the spell (through a successful Spellcraft check or some other ability), the Truespeak DC increases by 5.

Action: Speaking a truename is a standard action that provokes attacks of oppourtunity.
Try Again: Yes.
Synergy: If you have 5 or more ranks in Truespeak, you gain a +2 bonus in any Knowledge checks made to conduct truename research.

Dernière édition par Juju le Dim 15 Aoû 2010 - 23:05, édité 5 fois
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Date d'inscription : 17/03/2010

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MessageSujet: Re: Mastering the Universe - A Truenamer Overhaul   Mastering the Universe - A Truenamer Overhaul Icon_minitimeMer 30 Juin 2010 - 14:04


The simplest way to discover a personal truename is for someone to teach you that creature's personal truename. With only a minute or two of practice, you can understand that truename well enough to use it yourself. Of course, truenamers tend to be very protective of the truenames they know, so most will not part with them without some form of compensation.

You can also find out the personal truename of a person, place, or object using a combination of mundane and magical research techniques, but the search can be an expensive, time-consuming process as you try to track down the name of just one person among millions.

It takes a successful Knowledge check in the relevant subskill (Knowldege (dungeoneering) for an aberration's truename or Knowledge (engineering and archetechture) for a building's truename) to discover a personal truename. The DC of this check is equal to 15 + (2 x creature's CR) 20 + the creature's CR, 20 + the object's caster level (if it has one), or is based on the relative importance of a location (see below). If you have the bardic knowledge class feature, you can substitute bardic knowledge checks for the Knowlege check.

Just one success is rarely enough to discover a personal truename. You need a number of successes equal to 1/2 the creature's CR, 1/2 the object's caster level, or to some number based on the relative importance of the location (minimum 1; see below). Each Knowledge check to discover a personal truename takes one week and cost 1000 gp (for various research supplies, library fees, bribes, meditative incense, and so on). Spells cast as part of truename research need not be cast by you, but must be cast with the intent of discovering the researched truename.

The research process is interruptible at any time. If you need to go adventure, just keep track of how many successful checks you've made so far, then resume your research when your schedule allows.

Personal Truename Research DC
CreatureDC 20 + creature’s CR1/2 creature’s CR
ObjectDC 20 + object’s caster level1/2 object’s caster level
SpellDC 20 + (3 x spell’s level)Spell’s level
Common location (such as a tavern)*DC 252
Important Location (such as a king’s palace)DC 305
Famous Location (such as the Cliffs of Despair)DC 357
Legendary Location (Such as the Forge of Moradin)DC 4010
Secret or hidden location (such as the secret lair of a word dragon)*DC 5015
*considered obscure. See below.

Spells: Each kind of spell has a personal truename that applies to every casting of that spell. For example, if you know the personal truename of magic missile, it applies to every magic missle spell, regardless of who casts it.

Obscure Creatures: Ironically, it can be somewhat easier to research the personal truename of an ancient lich than a lowly goblin scout. Histories will periodically mention the lich's unholy deeds and previous truename researchers may have made progress on the truename (and recorded that progress), but it's unlikely that anyone has ever cared to know the goblin's truename, so mundane texts won't help much.

Creatures with a CR of less than 10 (or objects with a caster level of less than 10) are considered to be obscure unless they have historical or political importance. You can't even attempt to research the truename of an obscure creature without magical aid of some sort, usually some sort of divination spell, and even then you take a -4 penalty on the check.

Personal Truename Research Modifiers
Staff of research assistants
You know who the subject’s parents are
You know who the subject’s grandparents are
You know who the subject’s great grandparents or beyond are
You know who the object’s creator is
You know the architect who designed the structure
You have met/visited the subject
You have spent more than a month in the proximity to the subject
You are related to the subject (or you are the subject)
You have 5 ranks in Truespeak (synergy)
You have the Truename Research feat
Subject is considered obscure (see above)
Subject has the Obscure Personal Truename feat
Subject is under the effects of a hidden truename spell
Commune spell
Divination spell
Contact other plane spell
Legend lore spell

Dernière édition par Juju le Lun 16 Aoû 2010 - 8:48, édité 7 fois
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Date d'inscription : 17/03/2010

Mastering the Universe - A Truenamer Overhaul Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Mastering the Universe - A Truenamer Overhaul   Mastering the Universe - A Truenamer Overhaul Icon_minitimeMer 30 Juin 2010 - 14:05


The following feats are of interest to anyone who deals with truenames on a regular basis, whether they are truenamers, dabblers in Truespeak, or opposed by those wielding the power of utterances.

Inflection Feats
Similiar to the way that a spellcaster learns metamagic feats to modify the way in which he casts spells, a Truenamer learns to modify his Utterances with Inflections. Each Inflection raises the Utterance's Truespeak DC, but increases the power of the Utterance in some way. Speaking an inflected utterance takes no more time than speaking an ordinary utterance unless otherwise stated.


Les autres dons du livre (Tome of Magic page 228) ne sont pas recopié puisqu'inchangé pour le moment.

Dernière édition par Juju le Dim 15 Aoû 2010 - 22:45, édité 9 fois
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Mastering the Universe - A Truenamer Overhaul Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Mastering the Universe - A Truenamer Overhaul   Mastering the Universe - A Truenamer Overhaul Icon_minitimeDim 15 Aoû 2010 - 2:17


An utterance is a combination of words in Truespeech that describe a creature, place, or object to be affected and the desired effect (such as "control speed" or "wreathe in fire"). By putting these truenames together in exacting fashion, you create a rudimentary sentance in the language of the universe - an utterance. As a truenamer, you don't know the truename for every creature and object in the world, but you can describe them in the language of Truespeech. To do so is to speak an utterance. When you speak an utterance properly, reality reshapes itself to conform to the power of your words. You learn utterances as you progress in level, starting with the simplest creature-oriented utterances and progressing to more powerful and more diverse utterances. Utterances are divided into three lexicons, or groups of related words. As a truenamer, you learn many words in Truespeech, but only a few practced phrases that you can turn into true utterances that carry the full power of Truespeech - and that power can change reality itself. Utterances can be described as follows.

Speaking an Utterance
To speak an utterance, you need only speak in a clear voice as loud as a spellcaster. However, because the language of truenames requires such precision of pronunciation and timing, an utterance takes a standard action to perform and provokes attacks of opportunity from threatening enemies. An utterances is a spell-like ability with a verbal component (unlike other spell-like abilities, which have no components) that requires a successful Truespeak check to complete. Your effective caster level for your utterances is equal to your truenamer level.

Utter Defensively
If you're worried about attacks of opportunity, you can utter defensively by accepting a -5 penalty on your Truespeak check for each foe who would hit you. In exchange, the utterance no longer provokes attacks of opportunity.

Spell Resistance
Spell resistance applies to your utterances, so you must succeed on a caster level check to overcome the spell resistance of creatures you speak utterances on. Because your utterances are spell-like abilities, the Spell Penetration and Greater Spell Penetration feats make those caster level checks easier, just as they do for spellcasters. When you deliver an utterance, its effective caster level for the purpose of bypassing spell resistance is equal to your truenamer level. In addition, when speaking an utterance, you can voluntarily increase the DC of a Truespeak check by 5 to automatically overcome a target's spell resistance.

Personal Truename
Almost everything has a personal truename, right down to individual grains of sand. Some of these can be discovered through mundane research, but the more obscure personal truenames require divinations or even more powerful effects to discover. Personal truenames are more complex than more general truenames, but knowing one gives your utterances more power when used on that creature or object. If you know something's personal truename, the save DC of your utterances used against that creature or object increases by 2 and those utterances have an additional effect on that creature in addition to their normal effect. Speaking a personal truename is more difficult, however.The DC of Truespeak check that incorporates the personal truename of a creature or object increases by 2 and the DC of a Truespeak check that incorporates the personal truename of a place increases by 5.

All truenamers learn their own personal truenames as part of their education. You have an instinctive understanding of your own personal truename and a sense of how it should be pronounced. But it's not automatic, even for you. You gain a 4 circumstance bonus on Truespeak checks to affect yourself with truename magic or otherwise pronounce your own personal truename.

The Universe Keeps Track of You
When you deliver an utterance, you're dealing with the universe itself and reshaping reality. If a target changes its creature type with a spell such as polymorph, its personal truename doesn't change, although the truename you would use use in a less specific utterance would. Shapechange, wild shape, disguise, resurrection, reincarnation - none of these will change a personal truename. Only powerful and specific magic can change a personal truename.

With the exceptions of utterances from the Lexicon of the Perfected Map and utterances affected by Speak Unto the Masses, all utterances affect only a single creature or object. Because the language of truenames is both exacting and specific, the same truename does not necessarily apply to all four orcs charging you. You must be able to see your target (or at least perceive it in some other way that gets you as much information as sight).Your target does not need to be able to hear the truename. You aren't speaking to the target, after all; You're using truenames to speak to the cosmos about the target.

The Universe Hears Just Fine
Because no creature needs to hear you speak a truename, a silence spell won't automatically stop your utterances. It is more difficult to speak a truename properly when you don't have the feedback of hearing your own voice. You have a 20% chance of a given utterance failing when you deliver it from within the area of a silence spell, no matter how high your Truespeak check result. For utterances that use the Lexicon of the Perfected Map, you must be able to see the center of the area you're truenaming. You can't truename a dungeon chamber that's on the other side of a closed door, but you can truename the room once you open the door, even if you can't see the entire room from the outside.

Unless otherwise specified, utterances work at a range of 60 feet.

Utterances have short durations. Your use of truenames reorders the universe as you direct, to be sure, but the universe soon reestablishes some semblance of the status quo.

When you deliver an utterance, you are remaking reality itself. Whether the "default reality" returns quickly or slowly, it does so at its own pace. Once you've delivered an utterance, it will run its full course; Utterances aren't dismissable.

Saving Throw
Most utterances don't allow saving throws. For those that do, the Difficulty Class of Saving Throws against utterances are equal to 10 + 1/2 your truenamer level + your Cha Int modifier.

Effective Spell Level
The effective spell level of an utterance is equal to its utterance level for the purpose of Concentration checks, as well as for interactions with other spells and abilities, such as globe of invulnerability. However, you can increase the effective spell level of an utterance by increasing the DC of your Truespeak check. For every spell level you increase the utterance by, increase the DC of your Truespeak check by four 3.

The Laws
All utterances obey a pair of important universal laws that govern Truespeech. Both of these laws apply to nearly all applications of Truespeech, even those not involving speaking utterances.

The Law of Sequence
If you speak an utterance with an ongoing duration, you can’t speak that utterance again until the duration of that utterance ends. It’s okay to use a different utterance while the first is still active, however. It’s also okay to use a higher-level version of an utterance while a lower-level version is active, or vice versa, because these constitute a different utterances. The reverse of an utterance is treated as the same utterance for the purpose of the Law of Sequence.

All utterances obey the Law of Sequence. If you speak an utterance with an ongoing duration, you can't speak that utterance again on that subject until the previous utterance has run its course. It's okay to use a different utterance on the target while the first is still active or to use the utterance on another target, however. The reverse of an utterance is treated as the same utterance for the purpose of the Law of Sequence. For example, you could speak a lesser word of nurturing on an ally, then target an attack orc with a reversed lesser word of nurturing, but you could not use the lesser word of nurturing on your ally again until the first use's duration lapses.

The Law of Resistance
The first time that you speak a particular utterance, you calculate the DC as normal. However, the universe tends to resist being manipulated with Truespeak repeatedly in a short period of time, so each time you successfully speak the same utterance in a day, the DC of your Truespeak check for that utterance increases by 2. If you fail a Truespeak check, however, the DC does not increase on your next attempt of that utterance.

Counterspeaking and Dispelling
Utterances with ongoing durations can be dispelled normally using dispel magic. They can also be countered by counterspeaking, which works similarly to countering a spell.

To counterspeak an utterance, you must select an opponent as the target of the counterspeaking and ready an action to counterspeak. When your opponent begins to speak an utterance, you must first successfully identify the utterance (a Truespeak check that does not take an action). If you also know that utterance, you can attempt a second Truespeak check in an effort to counter the utterance. If your check result is higher than your opponent's, you negate the utterance entirely with no other results.

To dispel an ongoing utterance, you must know that utterance and successfully speak it on the same target as the original utterance. If your Truespeak check is higher than the origional truenamer's check result, the utterance is dispelled as if its duration had expired. In cases where the Truespeak check is unknown, assume that it's 11 + the truenamer's Truespeak bonus Truespeaker level.

Dernière édition par Juju le Dim 15 Aoû 2010 - 22:45, édité 8 fois
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Date d'inscription : 17/03/2010

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MessageSujet: Re: Mastering the Universe - A Truenamer Overhaul   Mastering the Universe - A Truenamer Overhaul Icon_minitimeDim 15 Aoû 2010 - 2:54


Utterances from the Lexicon of the Evolving Mind forms the bulk of a truenamer's knowledge. These potent phrases in the language of Truespeech enable you to persuade the universe to change with respect to a single creature. Without exception, each of these utterances shares the following characteristics.

These utterances can only target a single creature, unless you are of high enough level to have the truenamer's Speak Unto the Masses class feature.

Each utterance from this lexicon, and this lexicon alone, can be spoken in reverse. When you learn a new utterance, you effectively learn two unique, but related, ways to alter the world. Each entry in this lexicon has descriptive text for the normal version of the utterance and its reverse. The duration and saving throw requirement for the normal way to speak an utterance might differ from its reverse, which will be called out in the utterance's statistics at the top of the entry.

1st Level Utterances
Defensive Edge: Grant ally 1 AC, or an enemy -1 AC.
Dreamless Slumber: Put target to sleep or wake target up. Nouveau!
Inertia Surge: Grant creature freedom from restricting effects or prevent an enemy from moving.
Knight's Puissance: Ally gains 2 on attack rolls, or enemy gains -2 on attack rolls.
Universal Aptitude: Subject gains 5 on skill checks, or enemy gains -5 on skill checks.
Word of Nurturing, Minor: Give ally fast healing 1, or deal 1d6 damage each round for 2 rounds.

2nd Level Utterances
Accelerated Attack: Give an ally Spring Attack or allow ally to move while casting a spell. Était niveau 3
Archer's Eye: Give ally ability to ignore concealment with ranged attacks or protect an ally from projectiles.
Hidden Truth: Grant creature 10 bonus on Knowledge check or a 10 on a Bluff check.
Morale Boost: Remove fear from a creature, or frighten an enemy. Était niveau 4
Perceive the Unseen: Give creature benefit of Blind Fight feat, or grant a creature concealment.
Silent Caster: Ally gains benefit of Silent Spell feat or creature is silenced.
Speed of the Zephyr: Subject's speed increases by 20 feet and he can run on up walls, or reduce foe's speed by 10 feet.
Strike of Might: Target's next weapon damage roll deals 10 damage or target's next weapon damage roll deals -5 damage.
Temporal Twist: Ally gains one free attack, or enemy is dazed for 1 round.
Word of Nurturing, Lesser: Give ally fast healing 3, or deal 2d6 damage for 2 rounds.

3rd Level Utterances
Breath of Cleansing: Allow ally a second save against ongoing effect, or nauseate an enemy. Était niveau 4
Energy Negation: Grant an ally resistance 10 to one energy type, or deal energy damage to a foe.
Incarnation of Angels: Creature gains the celestial template, or creature gains the fiendish template.
Preternatural Clarity: Give an ally a 5 floating bonus for attacks, saves, or checks, or make an enemy confused. Était niveau 5
Seek the Sky: Give creature ability to fly, or force a flying creature gradually to the ground.
Serpent's Tongue: Make a creature turn on its allies or poison a creature. Nouveau!
Speed of the Zephyr, Greater: Give ally benefit of haste spell, ore enemy suffers from the effect of a slow spell.
Temporal Spiral: Target gains one extra move action, or enemy is dazed for 3 rounds.
Vision Sharpened: Subject gains benefits of see invisibility or subject becomes invisible.
Wind-Carried Words: As a sending spell, or hear everything a creature says. Nouveau!
Word of Bolstering: Cure 1d6 points of ability damage or drain, or cause -1d6 penalty to one enemy's Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution. Était niveau 4
Word of Nurturing, Moderate: Give ally fast healing 5, or deal 4d6 damage each round for 2 rounds.

4th Level Utterances
Breath of Recovery: Remove conditions from an ally, or paralyze an enemy. Était niveau 6
Caster Lens: Increase ally's caster level by 2, or reduce enemy's caster level by 2.
Confounding Resistance: Grant ally ability to avoid particularly harmful effects, or remove evasion from an enemy.
Essence of Lifespark: Remove one negative level from a creature, or one enemy gains one negative level. Était niveau 5
Knight's Puissance, Greater: Ally gains 5 on attack and damage rolls, or enemy gains -5 on attack and damage rolls. Était niveau 6
Magic Contraction: Ally gains spell resistance, or grant a creature benefit of Empower Spell effect.
Seek the Sky, Greater: Give creature fly speed of 120 feet (perfect), or cause a flying creature to fall and take damage. Était niveau 5
Sensory Focus: Creature gains blindsight and truesight, or creature is blinded and deafened. Était niveau 5
Word of Nurturing, Potent: Give ally fast healing 10, or deal 6d6 damage each round for 2 rounds.

5th Level Utterances
Eldritch Attraction: Move a creature 40 feet closer to you, or 40 feet farther away from you.
Energy Negation, Greater: Ally gains immunity to one energy type, or give an ally an energy shield that damages attackers.
Ether Reforged: Creature gains the benefit of defenses against incorporeal foes and can affect them normally, or creature becomes ethereal. Était niveau 6
Mystic Rampart: Ally gains DR 5/- and a 5 bonus on saves, or enemy incurs -5 penalty to AC and saves. Était niveau 6
Ward of Peace: Ally cannot be attacked, or temporarily banish target to extradimensional pocket.
Word of Nurturing, Critical: Give ally fast healing 15, or deal 8d6 damage each round for 2 rounds.

6th Level Utterances
Singular Mind: Free subject from enchantments, curses, and possession, or dominate one creature.
Temporal Hurricane: Grant your target a full round of actions or send a creature backwards one round in time. Nouveau!
Unname: Kill one creature, or bring one creature back to life. Nouveau!
Word of Nurturing, Greater: Give ally fast healing 20, or deal 10d6 damage each round for 2 rounds.

Dernière édition par Juju le Dim 15 Aoû 2010 - 21:01, édité 5 fois
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Description of the Utterances from the Lexicon of the Evolved Mind



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Unlike utterances from the Lexicon of the Evolving Mind, the utterances in this lexicon have no meaning or power when reversed. All the utterances in this lexicon target objects - often the weapons and armor that you, your allies, or your enemies use. Spell Resistance applies to these utterances, as it does normally to spell-like abilities. Also as normal, attended objects gain the benefit of their wielder's spell resistance, if any. However, any item targeted by one of these utterances - attended or not - do not get to save to avoid the effects.

1st Level Utterances
Agitate Metal: Cause a creature's metal equipment to radiate painful heat or cold. Était niveau 2
Analyze Item: Discern the properties of a magic item. Était niveau 2
Fortify Armor: Make a creature's armor able to negate critical hits and sneak attacks.
Keen Weapon: Improve the threat range of a weapon.
Word of Opening: Door or portal opens. Nouveau!

2nd Level Utterances
Seize Item: Bring an object within range to your hand. Était niveau 5
Suppress Weapon: Supress the energy properties of a weapon. Était niveau 3
Weapon of Energy: Weapon deals extra energy damage. Nouveau!
Terminate Spell: Dispell one spell or supernatural ability. Nouveau!

3rd Level Utterances
Motion to the Motionless: Animate an object to serve you. Nouveau!
Rebuild Item: Restore an item destroyed within the last round to perfect form and functionality.
Spell Rebirth: Restore a dispelled or dismissed spell. Nouveau!
Suppress Item: Supress the properties of a magic item. Était niveau 4
Transmute Weapon: Change a weapon's special material. Était niveau 4
Create Object: As a major creation spell. Nouveau!

4th Level Utterances
Charge Item: Give a staff or wand temporary charges. Nouveau!
Metamagic Catalyst: Give a potion or scroll the benefit of a metamagic feat. Était niveau 5
Invulnerability: Make an object immune to all damage. Nouveau!

5th Level Utterances
Unmake: Return an item to its component parts. Nouveau!
Redirect Spell: Change the target of a spell. Nouveau!

Dernière édition par Juju le Dim 15 Aoû 2010 - 21:00, édité 12 fois
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MessageSujet: Re: Mastering the Universe - A Truenamer Overhaul   Mastering the Universe - A Truenamer Overhaul Icon_minitimeDim 15 Aoû 2010 - 3:11

Description of the Utterances from the Lexicon of the Crafted Tool

Dernière édition par Juju le Dim 15 Aoû 2010 - 20:59, édité 7 fois
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MessageSujet: Re: Mastering the Universe - A Truenamer Overhaul   Mastering the Universe - A Truenamer Overhaul Icon_minitimeDim 15 Aoû 2010 - 3:14


As with utterances from the Lexicon of the Crafted Tool, these utterances have no meaning or power when reversed. They all target nearby areas, allowing you to reshape the landscape that surrounds you. Unless otherwise specified, these utterances affect a 20-foot-radius spread and allow no saving throw.

1st Level Utterances
Fog From the Void: Create a cloud of fog that obscures sight and makes movement difficult.
Shockwave: A violent pulse of energy knocks creatures from their feet.
Shield of the Landscape: Alter the landscape to temporarily negate or provide cover.
Transform the Landscape: Add or remove difficult terrain. Était niveau 2
Skyward Eye: View any place, like a scry spell. Nouveau!

2nd Level Utterances
Lore of the World: The world gives you information you request Était niveau 3
Energy Vortex: Fill the area with energy that damages your foes.
Master of the Four Winds: Bend the winds to your will. Était niveau 3
Speak Rock to Mud: Turn solid rock into cloying mud.

3rd Level Utterances
Anger the Sleeping Earth: Shake the earth, as the earthquake spell Était niveau 4
Thwart the Traveler: Prevent extradimensional travel in the area.
Deny Passage: Prevent creatures from entering or leaving an area. Était niveau 4

4th Level Utterances
Call the Fallen Stars: Rain meteors on your foes. Nouveau!
Conjunctive Gate: As a gate spell
Transposition of Location: Trade the locations of two places. Nouveau!

Dernière édition par Juju le Dim 15 Aoû 2010 - 20:59, édité 1 fois
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MessageSujet: Re: Mastering the Universe - A Truenamer Overhaul   Mastering the Universe - A Truenamer Overhaul Icon_minitimeDim 15 Aoû 2010 - 20:59

Description of the Utterances from the Lexicon of the Perfected Map

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